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charts and reading

In working with your astrology chart I use sidereal astrology, looking up in the sky in real time you see the planet or star in its true constellation.

self-discovery natal chart

These readings are to objectively assess your natal birth chart.
Counselling through ‘Astrosophy’ (Star Wisdom)

illuminate your year ahead

These readings are to objectively assess your birth chart through ‘Astrosophy’ (Star Wisdom) – Look to the year ahead with a Solar Return Reading!

spiritual insights – the stars speak

These readings are to objectively assess your birth chart with the Spiritual Beings that dwell within the Zodiac and Cosmos, also referred to as “Spiritual Hierarchies”.

astro-cartography and relocated charts

Using your Natal birth chart or Unique Cosmic Inheritance as a point of departure there are two different relocational techniques that I use in my practice: Astrocartography and Relocated Charts. Thinking of going on a vacation or relocating? Booking an Astrocartography/Relocation Chart may be a good investment to guide you in the right direction.

“The Stars Once Spoke to Men:
Their Silence Now is Cosmic Destiny,
To Perceive This Silence
Can Be A Grief for Earthly Man.
In the Silence Ripens Now
What Human Beings Say To The Stars.
Perceive this Speech
Can Give New Strength to Spirit-Man.”
Rudolf Steiner

welcome to ‘the stars speak’

In your everyday life learn to navigate through victories and trials, how? Everyone has their very own unique cosmic inheritance (UCI), gifts, blessings, challenges, that make us better, stronger, and richer. When you were born an illuminated path of Divine counterparts, a Divine Community, supported your birth and are prepared to help you navigate through life!
Adam Bittleston shared, “A man has himself, to enkindle the power to grow beyond an understanding of the world reduced to number, measure and weight. Our love for the earth, and our love for the stars, if they begin to transform our thoughts, form an embryo of a new universe, carried invisibly within the womb of the world.”
In support of enkindling that power to grow, to transform your thoughts, an astrological chart reading may bring Light to your place in, and understanding of the world. Feel a deeper and broader sense of community in learning more about who you are? Experience a Living relationship with the cosmos nurtured through artistic imaginations that may inspire a renewed awareness to your mission, your deeds on earth.

The Stars Speak is a private member branch under The Raphael Education and Learning Centre (R.E.A.L.) Private Membership Association.  This allows for fellowship, shared values and moral human principles of mutual care to also be shared between private members within the Raphael Education and Learning Centre (R.E.A.L.) Private Membership Association.  Please follow this link to support this understanding of how we serve within this Private Membership Association.  I look forward to hearing from you soon!

A New Lunar Cycle!

On this New Moon standing before Pisces we have a solar eclipse happening as well….

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