The Eclipse of the Moon – May 26, 2021

Very late this evening of May 25, 2021 our Bella Luna is at perigee, closest to the earth 10:46pm ADT. The Moon holds a few highlights for May 26, 2021!  With the Moon so close, is the effect it has upon the Earth and the life upon her extremely potent?  Oh Yes!

From a physical standpoint the Moon’s gravitational pull on Earth is the strongest when the Moon is at the perigee.  Rudolf Steiner suggested that the Moons reflection of the whole universe forms the sum total of forces which sustain the animal world of the Earth, including the lower nature of man.  I wonder, as every radiation from cosmic space is reflected by the Moon, what will the impact be when the flaming brilliance of the Sun, who usually purifies these forces, will be blocked by the Earth in this Eclipse of the Moon at 8:20am ADT May 26, 2021?

The line up, as I am aware, is as follows; eclipse of the Moon, in Scorpio, begins 8:11am ADT, The full Moon happens at 8:14am ADT, the mid point of the eclipse is at 8:20am ADT and ends at 9:52 ADT.  On deck, Bella Luna meets the star Antares, “The Heart of the Scorpion” at 5pm ADT.

I wonder with the Moon so close to Earth and the potency of the whole universe unchecked by the Sun, plunging us into darkness, could a temptation subconsciously triggering those lower, primordial, animal elements in man take hold?  How we can we be the Sun, Spirit-Radiance, on Earth to support the evolution and high calling of man? 


Scorpio is not only the Scorpion it also holds a place as the Eagle.  The Spiritual Beings dwelling in the space of Scorpio are the Exusiai – Spirits of Form – Creators and leaders of all earthly evolution!  An opportunity to receive a gift of knowledge…
Now a pondering we may explore is on offer from Rudolf Steiner, he says:

“Man will not be able to free himself from the forces in his being which tend to drag him downwards until he develops in himself a certain feeling for spiritual concepts such as these. Then only will the path leading to a true comprehension of birth and death be opened up to humanity. And such a comprehension and understanding is sorely needed by humanity today, when men are plunged in spiritual darkness. We must learn again what it really signifies when the sun sends its light towards us. When the sunlight streams towards us, the surrounding space is made free for the passage of those souls who must leave their physical bodies and make their way out into universal space. When the sun sends its light down to earth, the earth sends human souls out into cosmic space, where these souls undergo many metamorphoses. Then, in a spiritual form, they approach the earth once more, passing in their descent through the sphere of the moon, and taking possession once again of a physical body which has been prepared for them in the stream of physical heredity. It will not be possible for us to enter into a right relationship with the universe until such time as we begin to feel and experience these things in a real and living way.”

The inner life of soul of humanity has a saving Grace, Steiner continues:

“This inner life of soul can be reawakened, but man must first win back for himself his spiritual relationship with the cosmos. This he will be able to do only when he is once more to say to himself: “A man has died. His soul is radiating out towards the sun. It streams out into the cosmos, traveling the path made for it by the rays of sunlight, until it comes into a region where space has an end, where one can no longer speak in terms of three dimensions, but where the three dimensions are merged into unity. In this region, beyond space and beyond time, many and various things happen: but later on, from the opposite direction, from the direction of the moon, of the moonlight, the soul returns once more and enters into a physical human body, is born again into earthly life.

Can we now explore this Imagination?  The Earth moves between the Sun and the Moon during a lunar eclipse.  With the Sun in Taurus (Spiritual Beings of the Holy Spirit) and the Moon in Scorpio (Spiritual Beings of Form and evolution) can we imagine a perfect linear path of energy in motion?  Souls travelling from the Earth at this time radiating out towards the Sun within the dwelling of the Holy Spirit (Taurus) and from the opposite direction of the Moon within the dwelling of the Creators and Leaders of all earthly evolution, Spirits of Form (Scorpio/Eagle), souls returning to enter into a physical body, born again to earthly life.  The secrets of Earth, that possibly Venus has revealed to us from Whitsuntide is happening all around us.  Spring.  What has died returns, and what is beloved is surrendered.  The Earth giving and receiving… 

What a beautiful imagination!

We may wish to explore between 8:11am – 9:20 ADT to willingly activate our Spirit-Radiance, declining temptation of the lower nature by reciting this verse:

We menof present time
Need to give ear to the Spirit's morning call 
-The call of Micha-el.
Spirit Knowledge seeks
To open in the soul of man
True hearing of this morning call

May your Spirit – Radiance shine brightly and your inner life of soul be re-awakened!

Warm Blessings,Kassandra


  • Steiner, R (2004) Human Questions and Cosmic Answers; Man and his Relation to the Planets                
  • Steiner, R (2004). Verses and Meditations. Rudolf Steiner Press.

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