charts and reading
A unique aspect I bring to chart readings is my study of Astrosophy (Star Wisdom). The language of the stars developed over centuries of observation, and inspired most recently by the insights of the philosopher Rudolf Steiner.
Star Wisdom is based in Western sidereal astrology, in Anthroposophy. We begin at your beginning upon the earth, your first breath… Intimately the Divine Heavenly Cosmos influence our lives as revealed and expressed in the individual Human Being as a ‘whole’. Was your first breath coordinated with the heavenly Divine Beings? I can help you evaluate this theory and bring clarity from your UCI, Unique Cosmic Inheritance to your life as a whole through self-discovery. In a birth/natal chart reading we will explore the cycles, the lessons, and the themes. We will look at your career/work, relationships/love, home, mission and spirituality. Offerings are; a Self-Discovery chart reading, Illuminate your year ahead reading, Spiritual Insights – the Stars Speak reading, and/or Astrocartography and Relocated Chart readings.
These “New Astrology” Readings offer a capacity for expression of the ‘whole’ Human Being in a Spiritual Science. A living relationship is nurtured through an artistic experience and imagination that may inspire a renewed awareness to your destiny path, your mission.
Wish to learn more about Star Wisdom? Courses and workshops are available from Introduction to the Stars to Advanced working with the Spiritual Hierarchies.
what is a unique cosmic inheritance…
A unique cosmic inheritance (UCI) is a glimpse, a snapshot, of where all the planets, constellations, asteroids, stars, spiritual hierarchies, are in the cosmos and their relationships at the moment of something incarnated, birthed, conceived, or crossing over the threshold (otherwise spoken of as death).
What gives a glimpse of our potentials at the moment of our physical birth in this life? A Unique Cosmic Inheritance often referred to as your “Natal Birth Chart”. A UCI Chart reading is a deep, intricate and detailed look at who you are, what your life looks like, your strengths, weaknesses, alliance’s, and challenges you may face/need to overcome in this life to move through karmic deeds.
A human being, an idea, a business, etc… all hold an opportunity to unite with the cosmos, the spiritual world supporting and challenging this birth. Get to know you! Individuals who embark on unifying with their UCI bring a consciously awakened insight to their mission on earth.
sidereal or tropical?
Sidereal is what I prefer to look at in someones chart. I like this method because it is the true visible sky. When you look up in the sky for instance you may see Saturn shining brightly in Capricorn. In Tropical you would be told according to mathematical calculations, Saturn is in Aquarius.
Now you may ask what does that mean for me? Which do I resonate with? Imagine you are feeling very earthbound, you feel the density of the earth, the space between the moon and the earth is primarily where your focus is, this maybe where tropical astrology would best meet the individual.
Human Beings as Spiritual Beings, are a microcosm of the macrocosm, holding this imagination, while grounded, you stream your feelings outward into the cosmos, to the stars, universe as a whole, here is where sidereal may best meet the individual.
Another unique aspect I bring to chart readings is my study of Astrosophy (Star Wisdom). We look at the Human Being standing on earth, utilizing these earthly realms to unfold individual initiatives through ones deeds on earth, an expression of the individual Human Being as a ‘whole’. In this way we uplift humanity with the Human Being firmly supported upon the earth. Astrosophy offers an even deeper Spiritual content that can illuminate the Spiritual Hierarchies working with you in support of your mission…
It is for these very unique reasons above,
why you are here,
and wishing for support in your chart!
I can help, with ‘New Astrology’!
Enjoy a Living Relationship to the ‘whole’ human being with
‘New Astrology’!
Self-Discovery Natal Chart
These readings are to objectively assess your natal birth chart. To bring clarity from your UCI, Unique Cosmic Inheritance to your life as a whole through self-discovery. Here we will explore the cycles, the lessons and the themes. We will look at your career/work, relationships/love, home, and spirituality. Approximately 60 minutes.
Illuminate Your Year Ahead
These readings are to bring clarity from your UCI, Unique Cosmic Inheritance to your life so you may feel empowered about your future. Here we will explore the year ahead the themes from a higher perspective. Often referred to as a Solar Return.
The most important consideration in a Solar Return chart of course, is the placement of the Sun that year and any aspects it makes to the rest of the planetary beings. Approximately 60 minutes.
Spiritual Insights – The Stars Speak
These readings are to objectively assess your birth chart with the Spiritual Beings that dwell within the Zodiac and Cosmos, also referred to as “Spiritual Hierarchies”. To feel connected to a greater source of support and cosmic wisdom, feeling whole and complete. To bring further clarity from your UCI, Unique Cosmic Inheritance to your life so you may feel empowered about the life you live. Here you may have clarity exploring the gifts and blessings offered for you to receive. As part of your reading you will create artistic imaginations, drawings, for the soul to integrate the fresh new perspective awakened within. OR
You may choose a Tarot reading. Approximately 90 minutes.
Astrocartography and Relocated Charts
There are two different relocational techniques that I use in my practice: Astrocartography and Relocated Charts.
If you were born on March 7, 1990 at 4:32 am Eastern Standard Time in Toronto, Ontario. Then in 2010 you moved to Calgary, Alberta. What if you had actually been born in Calgary, Alberta? That is, what if you had been born at the same moment in time, but in the Midwest instead of Toronto? What would your chart have looked like? That’s the relocated chart.
Astrocartographic maps look like straightforward maps of the world. The only difference is that they are covered with lines associated with planets, some vertical, some curving across the map. The idea is that when you are near any of these planetary lines, you feel their signature energies. When you were born, naturally somewhere on the earth Mercury was rising. That is your Mercury line. It is a line, not a dot on the map, because of course Mercury was on the eastern horizon in more than one place. Here’s an easy way to visualize it: think of the familiar image of Earth floating in space, half sunlit, half dark. Everywhere along that line, the Sun was rising. That is your astrocartographic Sun line.
These are both more complex then what I have written here. Would you like to know more about the places you may visit, or relocate too? Booking an Astrocartography /Relocation Chart may be a point of departure to guide you in the right direction.