Whitsuntide….The Sun Meets Jupiter Before Taurus!

I am writing to you on this weekend of Whitsuntide and when the Sun meets Jupiter in Taurus (The Spiritual Hierarchies of The Holy Spirit), the Sun strengthening Jupiter’s radiating wisdom into our ‘will’…  Festival celebrations are an opportunity to look back to that which we have come from, witnessing the evolution of humanity, and with the same

Whitsuntide….The Sun Meets Jupiter Before Taurus! Read More »

‘Shared Wisdoms’ – A Study Series in Star Wisdom, ‘Astrosophy’.

Do you have an interest and/or deeper longing for a living relationship with the stars? Would you like to know more in respect to how the imprint of the stars at birth may influence our incarnation? Find out more about how the zodiac and planets are echoed in the human being…. “If we learn the

‘Shared Wisdoms’ – A Study Series in Star Wisdom, ‘Astrosophy’. Read More »

Grandfather and Grandson of ‘Wisdom Filled Thinking’

Today, April 20, 2024 grandfather Uranus meets grandson Jupiter (Zeus). On January 15, 2024 I wrote in my blog “Happiest New Year!” some details of this meeting standing before Aries (The Spiritual Hierarchy of Logos, Mystical Lamb) today, please read through. Today I will add a little more… I have been sharing nuggets of cosmic

Grandfather and Grandson of ‘Wisdom Filled Thinking’ Read More »

A New Lunar Cycle!

On this New Moon standing before Pisces we have a solar eclipse happening as well. The Moon’s orbit has an inclination to the ecliptic plane of 5.145°. The ecliptic plane is the Sun’s path as it’s observed from the Earth. The points at which the orbital paths of the sun and the moon intersect are

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