Jupiter Trines Pluto; Shared Wisdoms!

While a Jupiter-Pluto trine occurs about once every 12 years, the last time Jupiter standing before Taurus formed a trine with Pluto standing before Capricorn was in the late 1700s during Pluto’s last transit through Capricorn. This was a time prior to and including the Industrial Revolution, American War of Independence, formation of the American Congress, and the French Revolution. It was also a time of the Romantic Movement, the counter force to the industrial revolution, the higher version of the time. The Romantics such as Beethoven, Wordsworth, Blake, and of course Goethe with cognitive imagination brought a new attitude towards nature, an outrage towards the exploitation of human beings, and harmony with life rather then harnessing or controlling life’s energies.

Pluto is a slow-moving planet that moves only two degrees a year. As a result, the transformations we personally and collectively experience take a long time to complete. Pluto takes approximately 247 years to stand before each of the zodiacal beings because of its elliptical orbit, so its effect on individuals is very slow or less noticeable. Its most noticeable influences are on generations, countries, governments, institutions, and social movements. Pluto’s qualities may be seen as will-to-power, struggle between lower self and higher self; transformation into higher self. Keywords that may align with Pluto are obsession, shadow, wealth, deep in the earth, abyss, purging, and exorcising. In the opportunity to rise above to our higher self we may see these qualities; world server, selfless service, loving sacrifice on behalf of humanity and nature, heightened intuition. Capricorns emissary is Saturn; Pluto and Saturn share a strong desire for success and the ability to transform in a powerful way. This energy can help us get stuff done and have the energy and enthusiasm to do so, there are strong ambitions here. Individually, Pluto standing before Capricorn (The Spiritual Hierarchy of the ArchAngels) will give you the power to fulfill your goals and give you incredible focus if you can harness it. At times it will seem out of control and chaotic and destructive but it can be handled and Capricorn may be able to do that best. Please remember be kind to others in the process of achieving your mission.

Jupiter stands before each of the 12 zodiacal beings approximately every 12 years, one year per zodiacal sign. With Jupiter standing before Taurus we’ve recently begun a fresh new 12 year cycle! Jupiter offers wisdom radiating activity, expansion, beneficence, wisdom arising from activity of thinking, visions of future, philosophical thinking. Jupiter is the planet of spirituality and philosophy, of our mentors and most trusted guides, of opportunities and abundance, of feeling optimistic and capable. It encourages us to become better versions of ourselves, where we can grow and expand in alignment with our higher calling, whether it’s achieved through continued education, travel, or meditation and spiritual pursuits.

Jupiter in such a harmonious relationship with Pluto, as in a trine which is 120 degrees apart, has these two supporting our transformations, supporting our will to reclaim our power and sustain a higher version of ourselves consistently in our day to day lives. Jupiter offers us the wisdom to do so opening doors for positive change. To expand our world view begins with our inner life. Pluto brings up deep seeded fears, shadows for us to face with Jupiter right there to remove hidden obstacles, empowering changes that we may see the higher picture. Pluto trine Jupiter dramatically increases will-to-power and influence and brings about rare opportunities. We may feel compelled to take on bigger challenges and as such our desire to make positive changes is intensified. People and experiences that support our evolution are likely to appear. Inner and outer resources needed with Jupiter standing before Taurus supports our positive transformations. Taurus supports us with inner balance that leads to progress, Taurus is the dwelling space of the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Holy Spirit, Jupiter is the planet of spirituality and philosophy, of our mentors and most trusted guides, of opportunities and abundance, of feeling optimistic and capable, we may find our values and spiritual beliefs, philosophies find new ground, a new foundation, stability, abundance, rooted in a different garden. Jupiter standing before Taurus encourages us to become better versions of ourselves, where we can grow and expand in alignment with our higher calling/higher self, whether it’s achieved through continued education, travel, or meditation and spiritual pursuits. Taurus also rules the throat, the larynx, singing and humming are beautiful expressions and easy remedies if you’re feeling stuck. They can strengthen the vagus nerve, quickly changing our mood and uplifting us. Taurus loves to sing!

As Pluto standing before Capricorn looks to be unchained from the shackles of an outlying power structure, power that has been given over to another, Jupiter standing before Taurus is there to provide the inner and outer resources to reclaim our power and take it back, that revolutionary spirit with a Romantic quality… Bringing this all down to earth with a good plan and a solid foundation to rebuild upon in truth, beauty, goodness and Love… If old issues, old patterns, stagnation, and doubt for your ability to accept stability and abundance into your lives rises up, “Sing your way home…”

In Loving Warmth,

1 thought on “Jupiter Trines Pluto; Shared Wisdoms!”

  1. Margaret Osmond

    Thanks for a lovely bedtime read! Hoping the positive forces you mentioned bring peace to our earth 🌎

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