This Wednesday of May 5, 2021 (555) heralds in an opportunity to break free from old restraints and constraints. 555 asks us to let go of the old that no longer positively support our lives. Open the windows and breathe fresh air of the new! Major life changes may be upon us, and we are well supported through these changes for the better short and long term. What messages and offerings do Mercury, associated with Wednesday, and Venus, associated with the number 5, have for us.
With eyes to see and ears to hear, may we follow that good star…. and be blessed by the Divine Beings dwelling in Taurus.
Our unique cosmic inheritance, the placement of the stars and planets at our birth, are meeting with themselves and inherently us in a new way on 555. Venus and Mercury both in Taurus (sidereal astrology, in the real sky) may be connecting with this special day in more ways then we can imagine. Taurus the dwelling of the Holy Spirit, the seeds of Spirit springing the truth of new life into our senses. Look at the beauty, goodness and love our dear Mother grants us (Venus). How do we perceive the world? How does the world perceive us (Mercury)?
The pattern of Venus around the Earth portrays a 5-petalled rose when viewed from the geocentric position. Every 8 years, when the Earth and Venus ‘kiss’ to form another petal, Venus presents the same face to the Earth.
The Moon and Jupiter in Aquarius, the realm of the Angels, presently can we have good will toward one another? Are we able to feel into the other? Manifesting and expanding our freedom, how may we lovingly meet one another despite our differences of opinion. The Moon may be reflecting all that the cosmos wishes to show us, with the grace of the Sun purifying and filtering, so we meet the good from afar and within. Jupiter the great benefactor blessing us with gifts to expand our freedom of choice within community and celebrate our own unique lives.
Saturn in Capricorn is meeting kindly with Chiron the wounded healer, could this be healing and releasing old patterns, governances, and policies that no longer serve our health and well being? Given the opportunity to freely pursue your spiritual beings soul guidance, will you rise to it? Warm Blessings to us all!
Mars in Gemini, the realm of the Beings of Love, what ennobled speech is on offer from the Prince of Peace in Mars? Here we may take heed in consciously hearing the other, silently holding space for their sharing, than in our sharing with the other, peacefully bringing our language from our heart, thinking from our heart, sharing a vibration of Love and Peace.
Cinco de Mayo (May 5) is a day to celebrate freedom and liberty in Mexico. On May 5, 1862, the battle between Mexico and France lasted from daybreak to early evening, and when the French finally retreated they had lost nearly 500 soldiers. Fewer than 100 Mexicans had been killed in the clash, this defeat represented a great symbolic victory for Mexico.
The Stars/Cosmos have always held a sense of wonder, family, Love, peace, and joy for me. I am so grateful to share this Love with you. Tonight if the sky is clear and even if it isn’t, the time is at hand, to reacquaint yourself with our dear family, the wise ever loving Cosmic Beings! They bring hope and strength for all life on our dear Mother Earth.
May we all receive blessed victories today on 555; celebrate the new spring in our step and twinkle in our eye, with warmth in our hearts!
Warmly, Kassandra