Harvest Full Moon in Pisces

This Harvest Full Moon will be happening on Monday September 20, 2021 at approximately 8:00pm Atlantic Daylight Time in Pisces! In this writing I will be speaking to sidereal astrology, the actual visible sky, using the actual size of the constellations. However in tropical astrology this harvest full moon will also be in Pisces but at a later degree.

In Pisces the Fish we find the Spiritual Tenth Hierarchy dwelling within, “The Human Being in Love and Freedom”. The receptivity that Pisces affords us may bring the opportunity to receive the higher version of Humanity in Love and Freedom. The Moon beings reflecting the Sun Wisdom in Virgo, the dwelling of Sophia, of Wisdom, for us to harvest the great blessings of human beings that have continued to stand for freedom and work lovingly towards one another. Rudolf Steiner says,

“The Moon is not the mirror of the Sun’s light only, for it reflects everything that radiates upon it — the radiations of the solar light being, of course, by far the strongest. All the heavenly bodies in the universe send their rays towards the Moon, and the Moon — as a mirror of the universe — then radiates them back in every direction.

It can be said, therefore, that the universe is before us in a twofold aspect. It reveals itself in the environment of the Earth and is radiated back by the Moon. The Sun’s rays work with tremendous power in themselves and also in their reflection from the Moon. But every other radiation in cosmic space is also reflected by the Moon. There is the manifested universe and there is also its reflection from the Moon.”

Rudolf Steiner

The Faith, Hope and Love that some of humanity has seeded, nurtured, cultivated, may now be harvested! What harvest is the Heavenly Cosmos revealing to us here on Earth from Pisces? These two fish in Pisces are connected together in the constellation at one point. Even though they are two different fish, there is a centered connection at the root, reminding us no matter what fish we are swimming with, or what our values, beliefs, and/or spiritual orientation is, we are all connected on a soul level. May we consider being more sensitive at this time to each other? Consider the harvest in Pisces to bring the depth of soul, the Spirit of Humanity to a higher version of itself in Love and Freedom? Swimming with the fish in the Divine Cosmic stream is bringing us a great bounty to partake in, will you sit at the table with one another in Love and Freedom? What is your inner guidance, your intuition asking of you? I wonder if the Light of the Sun and Sophia are gifting us with the Wisdom to sense the Spirit of Truth, Beauty and Goodness in the world and each other. Virgo asks us to do the healthy work in service to the Earth, Spirit and each other. What daily routines, healthy habits and self improvement may we cultivate that support our Spiritual growth our human evolution in a positive and moral way, bringing us more balance? Balance of work (Virgo) and rest (Pisces).

Pisces Moon may have us feeling more forgiving, introspective, compassionate, sensitive, and emotional. There may be a strong sense that what you offer to the world ripples out, creating a wave of unconditional love given in freedom.

Close by or conjunct the Moon is our dear friend Neptune retrograde in Pisces. This may bring us more opportunity to reflect on our dreams, and spiritual wellbeing. While close by or conjunct the Sun is Mars in Virgo, bringing us the physical motivation to action doing the work. Mars Opposite Neptune, we are asked to remain balanced in the Spirit and Soul with the physical. For me this is an excellent opportunity to balance and connect Heaven with Earth, physical with Spiritual, taking action to connect the physical with the Spirit in each other, ourselves. the Cosmos and the Earth.

Pluto is positively aspecting this full moon, offering an expansion of our higher education, spiritual values, potentials that expand our horizons, transformation of beliefs, philosophies, and perspectives. Mercury (co-ordinated thinking) trining Jupiter (Wisdom filled thinking) helps us expand our minds, see the bigger picture, think big! Mercury is preparing to go retrograde in Virgo, asking us to redo, rework what we have harvested. Rudolf Steiner says this about Mercury,

Mercury provides the forces for capacities of intellect and reason, especially of intellect. The Masters of the forces of co-ordinative knowledge and mental activity have their habitation in Mercury.

Rudolf Steiner

With Jupiter and Mercury in a healthy and helpful aspect, we may consider asking our dear friend Jupiter to help solve a weighty problem facing us or the world, Jupiter will bring a solution by mornings light. Rudolf Steiner offers this about Jupiter,

When efforts to bring clarity of thought to bear upon some weighty problem of existence are unsuccessful because of physical, etheric, and especially astral hindrances, the Jupiter Beings come to the help of mankind. A man who has tried hard to apply clear thinking to some problem but cannot get to the root of it, will find, if he is patient and works inwardly at it, that the Jupiter powers will actually help him during the night. And many a one who has found a better solution for some problem during the night, as though out of dream, than during the previous day, would have to admit, if he knew the truth, that it is the Jupiter powers who imbue human thinking with mobility and vigour.

Rudolf Steiner

Wishing you all a healthy Harvest!



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