Where Heaven and Earth Meet… The Art of Healing

On this 12th day of March where the Moon has passed over the North Node in Pisces (The Spirits of Love and Freedom) and now the Moon in Aries (The Logos – Lamb of God) we can initiate the soul and spirits inner longing that we gleaned from our deep inner contemplations and reflections from the New Moon. Let us begin with healing.

“Today we need to learn again that healing is not just a technique, the repair of a faulty machine, but an art calling for the use of every power that man has. The relation between healing and the Mysteries of Initiation must be found again.”

Adam Bittleston, The Spirit of the Circling Stars.

The Zodiac is echoed in the human being. There are quite a few images that show this representation. The one I have above is my favourite of this ancient mystery, the work of the brothers of Limburg commissioned by the Duke of Berry in the 1400’s. To consider this as a point of departure in our healing is to open a door to ancient mysteries that can help us on our journey, we are not alone, we are a representative of where Heaven and Earth meet. The evolutions we experience in our own inner and outer life are social deeds for the whole world, Heaven and Earth.

Are we, in our good thoughts, good words and good deeds, healing and contributing to the evolution of Spiritual Beings and Humanity? Rudolf Steiner offered that the Spiritual Hierarchy dwelling in the zodiacal being of Pisces is the Tenth Hierarchy of Humanity, Spiritual Beings of Love and Freedom. We have the Sun, Mercury, Neptune, North Node and Chiron all in Pisces (a Mutable sign, flexible open to change). This gives us the opportunity to own what is dwelling deep in our psyche and be receptive to Gods Grace in healing us from that which no longer serves us, washing us clean.

The Moon guides us through Aries to rise to a new start, a new initiative, free from the old patterns, old beliefs, old systems that no longer serve anyone, we are washed clean to begin anew. Pisces is aligned with our hands and feet. How are your hands and feet used? Are your hands creating, loving, receptive, cared for with a nurturing, loving touch? What about your feet, are they nurtured and cared for lovingly as they work so selflessly to get you to all your destinations, where do they carry you, to a loving space? A warm foot bath with lemon is just the blessing you can give! In a social deed we could say we are healing our Spirits of Love and Freedom having a foot bath (although there are many other spiritual beings benefiting). The washing of the feet is a very special gift at this time considering how and why Christ washed the feet of the disciples before the Last Supper. An interesting read; The Gospel of John GA 103 XI. Christian Initiation

A lemon footbath is grounding and re-centering, making it ideal to support transitions; it harmonizes the distribution of warmth and promotes healthy rhythms. It can be used daily as preventative healthcare to bring harmony to the Sense of Balance and Sense of Warmth, and at regular times to aid transitions between school, work and home, children transferring between parent’s homes, returning from holidays, or after over-stimulating experiences. It is also useful for acute symptoms such as headache and sinusitis by drawing the congestion away from the head.
See link in citation for video on how to…

Developing the Self, Developing the World

Sharing these Cosmic Wisdoms with you are offered to bless and support your evolution, healing, Initiation processes. Remember; Neptune offers a mystical yearning with an obligation to the whole, our dreams, our inspiration. Mercury close by as the healer, brings us an opportunity to heal, as messenger Mercury seeks to gather and share knowledge, from Mercury we receive our quality of mind, (our ability to think and reason). As the Sun changes Zodiacal placement I will happily share more Cosmic Wisdoms with you in support of using every power that you may have available for the Art of Healing in the Human Being.

The deeds, words, and thoughts that we have contribute to a social deed, are your deeds, words and thoughts raising up the ‘whole’ in goodness, truth, beauty and Love where Heaven and Earth meet? My son and daughter-in-law gave my daughter and grandson a gift for Christmas that I thought was fantastic, it was a picture of Jesus saying “I saw that”. It was hung on their Christmas tree. I feel that would be a great image to hang from our rear view mirror, just to support our remembering in this social deed called life, someone is watching us and reaping what we sow.

With Love,

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