Imbolc, “In the Belly of the Mother”

“Holy water…Sacred Flame
Brigid We Invoke your Name
Bless my Hands, my Head, my Heart
Source of Healing, Song & Art”

Today in my class with the children I told them the story of St Brigid as we all made St. Brigid Crosses to bless our homes and each other. I shared with the children how tomorrow, February 1, marks the waxing of the Light, the halfway point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring (Vernal) Equinox. Imbolc begins on the evening of February 1st and ends on the evening of February 2nd—that’s when the ancient Celts celebrated it, when days were measured from evening to evening. Brigid is considered a three-faceted goddess and protector of everything creative (may be the maiden, mother and crone). The primary figure of the trinity was Brigid; she protected ewes, hearth fires, poetry, blacksmiths, pregnant women, and midwives. In ancient times, it was believed that she would visit and bless the hearths of the people, leaving her footprints in the ashes. As Imbolc signified spring and a return to light, the festival utilized candles and hearth fires as symbols of hope. As a symbol of strong will Brigid invites us with fiery force to set a flame to dormancy, to become our own inspired tool of our own sacred forge, and with will and might kindle our passion to fulfill our destiny.

The name Brigit itself means either ‘Fiery Arrow’, ‘Bright One’, or ‘High One’ in the ancient Celtic language, referring to her solar aspect. In the old Celtic language, she was Briganti, which is connected to the old Indo European word, Bhrghnti. In Sanskrit, bhrati, or brihati means ‘exalted one’.

Susa Morgan Black

Brigid was the goddess of the Sacred Flame of Kildare and the patron goddess of the Druids and seems to have been the Celtic equivalent of the Roman Minerva and the Greek Athena. She was the goddess of highrising flames, highlands, hill-forts and upland areas; and of elevated characteristics such as wisdom, excellence, perfection, high intelligence, poetic eloquence, craftsmanship, healing ability, druidic knowledge and skill in warfare. After Christianity came to be adopted by the Celts, some believe that Brigid was considered the foster mother of Jesus, “Mary of the Gaels” and was renamed St. Brigid.

David W. Atherton and Michael P. Peyton

Imbolc symbolizes the halfway point between the winter solstice (Yule) and the spring equinox (Ostara). Imbolc is a Cross-Quarter time, which comes when the Sun reaches 15 degrees in the constellation Capricorn (the dwelling space for the Archangels, Spirits of Fire). The word “Imbolc” means “in the belly of the Mother,” because the seeds of spring are beginning to stir in the belly of Mother Earth. Also this is a time in late winter when female sheep come into their milk. This is quite a special time for me as it reminds me that 13 years ago on this blessed day a Star Child was born through my daughter, my grandson, born early February 1, literally out of the belly of his mother! We are so blessed to have him with us!

What is your process for this time of transformation? We have some support on Valentines day (also before and after as this transition takes sometime)! A day where I feel self love is the first priority; for if we show true love for ourselves then the love of others may meet us in magical and beautiful ways. Mars and Pluto will come to a close meeting in Capricorn (the dwelling space for the Archangels, Spirits of Fire). So much Fire to bring light to the deepest darkest places, the shadows, bringing the opportunity of freedom to separate from the obstacles and entrenched hinderances that may have accumulated in this life. Mars gives us the will and action motivation, Pluto brings the deepest recesses to be transformed with good will. Are you ready to step into the Light?

To wash away the impurities, drink from the Holy Well of St Brigid, which could be your next glass of water if taken in with clear, reverent, awakened consciousness. Let your true self be seen, washed clean, purified.

Make a list… Sweep the ashes of your hearth (heart) away… What are your strengths? What good do you contribute to the world? What part of you is asking to be nurtured, loved, fostered in goodness, truth and beauty? What do you wish to call into your life, what are your potentials? Where your focus goes your energy flows, where are you focusing and what do you wish to place your focus and energy on? How can you refine and unify the amazingness that you already are?

As I began so shall we finish with a reverent call to St Brigid;
“Holy water…Sacred Flame
Brigid We Invoke your Name
Bless my Hands, my Head, my Heart
Source of Healing, Song & Art”

Holy Water Sacred Flame Song – It is only the first 3 minutes of the video and very lovely.

May you all be blessed with Light, Love and Warmth kindling your passion to fulfill your destiny at this Cross Quarter time of year!

Loving Warmth,

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